Api Archive

What is this?

This site is an API of all available data from the RSS feed of archive.org including a url directly to the files stored for an identifier.

Collection Queries

It is possible to query collections by relations - just supply the relation name as `fieldName` and identifier as `value`. 1. Using an RPC created by this module for each collection on each resource: /resource/id/childresource/child_id 2. Assuming we have defined 2 entities, `User` and `UserGroup`...

````php /** * @Entity */ class User { /** * @ManyToOne(targetEntity="UserGroup") * @var UserGroup */ protected $group; } ```` ````php /** * @Entity */ class UserGroup {} ```` ... we can find all users that belong to UserGroup id #1 with the following query: ````php $url = 'http://localhost:8081/api/db/entity/user'; $query = http_build_query(array( array('type' => 'eq', 'field' => 'group', 'value' => '1') )); ```` Expanding Collections * in development * --------------------- You may include in the _GET[zoom] an array of field names which are collections to return instead of a link to the collection. ``` /api/user_data?zoom%5B0%5D=UserGroup ``` Format of Date Fields --------------------- When a date field is involved in a query you may specify the format of the date using PHP date formatting options. The default date format is ```Y-m-d H:i:s``` If you have a date field which is just Y-m-d then add the format to the query. ```php 'format' => 'Y-m-d', 'value' => '2014-02-04', ``` Available Query Types --------------------- ORM and ODM Equals ```php array('type' => 'eq', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'value' => 'matchValue') ``` Not Equals ```php array('type' => 'neq', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'value' => 'matchValue') ``` Less Than ```php array('type' => 'lt', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'value' => 'matchValue') ``` Less Than or Equals ```php array('type' => 'lte', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'value' => 'matchValue') ``` Greater Than ```php array('type' => 'gt', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'value' => 'matchValue') ``` Greater Than or Equals ```php array('type' => 'gte', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'value' => 'matchValue') ``` Is Null ```php array('type' => 'isnull', 'field' => 'fieldName') ``` Is Not Null ```php array('type' => 'isnotnull', 'field' => 'fieldName') ``` In ```php array('type' => 'in', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'values' => array(1, 2, 3)) ``` NotIn ```php array('type' => 'notin', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'values' => array(1, 2, 3)) ``` Between ```php array('type' => 'between', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'from' => 'startValue', 'to' => 'endValue') ```` Like (% is used as a wildcard) ```php array('type' => 'like', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'value' => 'like%search') ``` Decimation (mod(field, value) = 0 e.g. value = 10 fetch one of every ten rows) ```php array('type' => 'decimation', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'value' => 'decimationModValue') ``` Not Like (% is used as a wildcard) ```php array('type' => 'notlike', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'value' => 'notlike%search') ```

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